Starting a Side Hustle – Why is it a new must do thing

I have been watching many YouTube videos during the 2020 lock down. Learning how to pick stocks and buy the Dip, how to do Drop Shipping, how to do Print of Demand (POD), as well as how to start utilizing YouTube for a side hustle. While it is interesting to listen to many of these videos telling you how you can make tons of money by doing what they have done. Most of them want you to buy into some membership or program that gives you exclusive access to their content on how to do what they are pushing. I for one am not willing to pay for their expertise on how to do something as that would defeat the purpose I came to watch the videos. I want to learn how to do these things without paying for it, I am willing to put in the time and effort to learn what is needed and not pay some “Guru” on how to do it. First off if they were that successful in a specific area they would spend more time doing the one thing that is making them the most money, and since it takes a lot of time and effort to make videos, my guess is that is where they make the most money.

Andrei Jikh

While I do like most of the people I watch as far as content value goes. Some have a great video presence, like Andrei Jikh, who uses his cardistry and magic to add more to the videos besides just the information they are providing. I also watch Ask Sebby, Wallers Wallet, Brian Jung, JJ Buckner, Jake Broe and The Credit Shifu as I like their content of their videos and I do get great value from them. If I like you content I will give you the Thumbs Up and smash the like button.

There are many others who are decent with the content they provide but are always pushing the other paid features they offer, and never provide the full details to what they are discussing. That drives me crazy, they talk all around what they want you to know, and then try to get you to go to their paid course to get the full details. I for one am not wanting to pay for some extra course to further my possibility to become rich in one area. While I have told people in the past you have to spend money to make money, I do not see the need to pay for specific knowledge when I can learn that by other means. I would prefer to learn with out paying for the knowledge, especially when the information is freely available and I can learn it if I take the time and not just pay someone to give me the cliff notes version.

It seems that everyone is trying to get some kind of side hustle going on theses days, for one reason or another, they want the extra income. Mostly they see people telling them how great it is to have a side hustle and how much money they make from it. I have heard some people say that a side hustle is just a second job, and I started thinking, that is not completely the same things in my opinion. While it is a second job of sorts, it does not have the constraints that a normal second job would have. First you get to set the hours you will work and how long and often you want to work. I guess I would consider it more of a free lancer with no hard commitments.

Side Hustle Ideas:

  • Uber / Lyft driver
  • YouTube content creator
  • Print on Demand products
  • Drop Shipping products
  • Real estate investor
  • Take your hobby and make a business

Have multiple income streams is the new normal for many people, and the side hustle is the way to build that income streams.

Why a Side Hustle:

  • Salaries are not growing that much
  • Cost of living is going up faster than wages
  • Single point of failure in your income
  • Allow for more savings for retirement

Red Bubble

I am probably not going to start a YouTube channel, not something that really interests me and I would not want to keep up with it. I have started a Red Bubble shop, added a few things up there to see how that goes. Working on a few designs and trying to determine a niche that I want to focus on long term. I like traveling so that is my primary focus on the designs, but need to get a little more fine tuned to designs. I kind of like the shop aspect as I am actually learning to use tools I have wanted to learn for a while. Have been learning Inkscape and Gimp by watching videos from another Youtuber Logos by Nick. He has some cool designs and I have been working to incorporate them into my designs, and learning how to use the applications. Do I expect to make a ton of money from this, probably not, but if it takes off that would be nice. In the long run I have learned a few things and that might help me down the road in something.

If the thought of making some extra money then take the leap, I do not believe that it should cost you a bunch of money to start. Start small and work your way up from there, nothing in life is free, you have to work for it, put in the effort and don’t quite. In the long run you might be able to end up leaving your current full time job to make your side hustle into your full time business. As I have always said, if you enjoy your job you will never work again. If you hate your job, then your trading your time for a paycheck. I am in that current situation, I am trading time for a paycheck. I enjoy the work but it is not what I would do if I had a choice, it just allows me to pay the bills, pay for my kids college and save a bunch for my retirement.