Pandemic Updates – June 2020

Well still dealing with the pandemic, and hanging around the house.

Not much has changed for me, still working form home, and having virtual meetings. At least many people I work with have decided to stop using their web cams for every meeting. Well, except the people in my company, they seem to still want you to see them all the time.

Going to the grocery store wearing a mask, and following the directional signage like I was asked to do. Surprising to see how many people cannot follow simple instructions, or are just being asses. It is not that it is that hard to follow simple things, as going one way on isles, and trying to stay a certain distance from people.

Now we are having protests, riots and looting in a lot of cities, due to a police officer(s) that killed a black/African American gentleman named George Floyd. It is interesting the way this has taken off and the amount of people that are involved in some of the protests, and discussions surrounding the police and brutality against people. However, I think some are just trying to get a few minutes of attention and are not entirely involved with the intent of the protests. There also seem to be some that are using it for other purposes, and to try to cause havoc, those are the ones who are looting stores and damaging property. It is bad when I hear more on the riots and looting in the news, and less about the actual protests and information on the case against the police officer(s).

Now there seems to be more cases of RONA happening lately, most seem to be from the memorial day holiday weekend and people wanting to get out of the house for some fun and enjoyment. Now we might see a larger increase from the protests, and I hope we don’t go backwards on the stay at home orders. Things were just starting to open back up and people were starting to be allowed to get haircuts, eat at an actual restaurant, and get out to the parks and other places.

The Stock markets cannot decide what it wants to do and the US feds are not helping much. People are demanding a second stimulus check, some people don’t want to go back to work as they are making more on unemployment then what they were getting paid. Stocks rose when they announced that unemployment was lower then expected for May. Then it started crashing again after a non-informative a briefing from the US Feds.

All I can say is stay safe, stay healthy, and look out for yourself and family. Do what feels right for you and your family, if you can stay home, then do that. If you have to go to an office to work, stay away from the crazies who think nothing is going on, and it is all a hoax.

Pandemic Updates – Staying at home for the greater Good!

So, we are still hanging out at home due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Things have changed only a little for me during this time, I am still working jsut now at home more often. I was used to traveling to clients sites almost every other week, and now I am doing everything remotely for the most part.

Having meetings via Teams, Webex, and even Zoom has been interesting, especially with all the people who are not used to working remotely. With people demanding everyone use their webcams in meetings we get to see some interesting things, like people’s homes, their family members, and even their pets. This was not a normal thing that would happen several weeks ago on a virtual meeting. Several of the platforms are now allowing for virtual backgrounds, which gives people something to show other than their homes (messy or not).

Been reading some articles from several people (not sure what makes them an expert on this subject) twitter and news articles who want to tell me how to work from home and how I should act in my virtual meetings. I think that giving people a list of things that work well for you in your remote job is stupid, as not everyone is the same or wants to do the same things as you. I have no problems with listing out things to try, and let the person decided what works best for them, but stop telling people how to work remotely. Also, telling people to not mute their microphones during meetings so they can have better interactions with their team is ridiculous as no one would ever get anything accomplished. All you would probably hear is people breathing, eating, typing and other background noises. Making the meeting useless and take for ever to get to what the meeting was intended to cover. People will figure out the flow, just let them work on it, as every meeting has a different focus and drive based on the purpose. Plus half of the people are chatting with each other in the background about most of the topics being discussed.
That cozy work environment we all love

Not everyone is geared to do remote work, and many people like to have that little interaction with an actual person in their work day. Some may even take a little more time to find their groove in this process and it will be a trial for several weeks to get it to their grove. Some people need a routine to get through their day, while others will just wing it everyday. Which scenario works for you just keep dealing with it and keep at it. For the people who are like “see now they (their employer) have no reason to not let us work remote going forward”, you may have to keep dreaming, as it is not that easy for every company to make that an easy decision. Be happy you have an option to work remote, not everyone has that as an option.

We have the people who were terminated or furloughed as the business could not continue making payroll. Then there are the people who are currently identified as essential (Medical staff, grocery store staff and food service staff) and then there is everyone else either working remote or sitting idle collecting some paycheck (either a full or partial payment) waiting for things to start moving again.

What is normal?

Will everything go back to normal? Well you need to define what normal is to start that discussion. I do not believe everything will go back to the way it was before the pandemic, I do see some changes that will last for several years if not permanent. People may get to work remote for some time before getting asked to come back into the office. I do not see that everyone will be required to come back all at once, it will be the people who want to or are able to come into the office to work. Some may not want to come back at first but want the comfort of working at the office with their colleagues. Others will stay remote for as long as they are allowed to, some may be told to come back to the office, while others may be allowed to make that a choice to stay a remote worker. Some peoples positions will be eliminated as there will not be a need for them due to less work overall, less money coming in to support the staff, and possibly the business not getting back to pre-pandemic operations.
Wishing to be heading somewhere nice

Traveling will take a while to get back to any type of normalcy and some airlines may not continue with or may limit some flights to certain cities (less profitable locations). Business travel will change for many, as it will not be justified to fly out to do those meetings onsite. Sales people may not be able to get into meet the people they are trying to sell products to. For many if it can be done remote, then that would be the preferred option, instead of the expense of traveling and the possibility of someone getting sick.

Vacation travel may take a big hit, some will be due to fear of traveling again, and some will be due to financial limitations from layoffs and people having less money. People may just do more driving to nearby areas that are less crowded, and less people flying on crowded planes to large populated areas. Cruising may have some less crowded ships, but not sure if that will be just older people and some families with kids, or if it will be across the board for people. Have read that cruise lines have seen an uptick in people booking trips for 2021, but I think it is people playing the game, and are hoping for a cancellation to get an extra credit fees to book a future trip or are taking the current credits they got for canceled trips to hold their place on the next ship.

Who know what the future will bring, I guess we will find out in the next coming months. One thing I can say is I hope people stop being stupid about this whole situation. Yes it sucks, and maybe could have been handled a lot better by the people in government. But if we all work together we will get through this sooner than later.

New work uniforms if we are not careful

Starting off 2017 right! (I hope…..)

Well its 2017 already, and I am not sure where 2016 went.

Last year I was extremely busy, traveling about every week and multiple ROC’s due weekly for my previous company. Never had enough time to actually do my job well or even think about fixing the issues that we had. Now that I am at Coalfire, I have plenty of time to do my job, with tons of resources to help me out. I am not traveling as much, which I sort of miss, hope that changes a little starting soon. Working from home is a little weird, not sure it is something I really like, miss the interactions with other people. Not that I do not like my family, its just getting out of the house for a little while and talking to other people with similar interests. Will be trying to get former colleagues to do lunch once in a while to at least try to keep up with whats going on.

This year is starting off fairly decent for me, since I am getting to attend two different training classes. First one is an ISO 27001 Lead Auditor certification course. I will be heading to Colorado for a few days. The class was supposed to be for junior associates that needed a certification to allow them to get their QSA. I asked if their was space I would like to attend, and I guess there was room for me. The second class is PCI P2PE certification, which will be a little harder from my perspective. Most of my cryptography experience is military related and not really geared towards the commercial sector. If I pass this course, I have been asked if I wanted to take the PA-DSS course and then possibly the PA-P2PE course. Since they are in need of people to assist in that area, I said why not. I am always willing to take training classes, certifications never hurt anyone.

So it looks like my first full ROC I am lead on will be a client that they have had for a while. This should be fairly nice to get to learn their methodology, and show my manager, I am able to do the work. I was brought in as a consultant, and not a senior consultant. That was something I had decided to do, I originally had interviewed for a senior security consultant position, but since they were willing to pay me the same for either position, I took the lower level position. I am sure some are going WTF, I would never do that. Well, I am more than capable to be a senior consultant, but If I come in as a junior level person and can show that I am very good at my job, I will more than likely get a promotion or possibly opportunities to do other stuff. Which is sort of what is happening already with the certification courses.

Well 2017, lets hope things keep rolling along smoothly…..   

Derbycon 4.0

Well Derbycon 4.0 is over, and now things have to go back to normal.
My boss has already scheduled me 3 new projects, and I have not finished last weeks projects because I was too excited to get to Derbycon.
Completed the Urban Bourbon Trail (all in half a day, which I do not recommend unless you have the full day). Started at 2pm on Thursday after arriving at the Hyatt in Louisville KY. and was done by 8pm that night. Felt terrible most of Friday morning but did not stop me from getting in on the CTF.
Had a blast at Derbycon, spent most of my time playing CTF and hanging out with friends.
Team nanerpwn came in 2nd place in the CTF, and we had a good lead for most of the time on Friday and Saturday. Could not hold on to the lead towards the end, had a few people drop off to head back home early. So maybe next year we will come in 1st, if we can get everyone to stay until Sunday afternoon.
Ready for Derbycon 5.0

2nd Bahrain Trip

Well I had to go back to Bahrain to work for another 5 weeks, was really not wanting to go, but I had already committed to the trip with the first 7 week trip that I did. Had a lot of stuff that needed me to be home, but luckily my wife was able to handel it in my absence.
The demonstrations were a lot lighter this trip, and I actually only saw a few burning tires (the burning remnants only). There were plenty of police and military vehicles everywhere, which might have been the reason for the fewer incidents.
Since I have already visited almost the entire Island, I did not venture out as much this trip. Went to the souq (open air market) only a few times just to see if anything new was being sold. Nothing really new, just the same stuff as before, I did pickup a few trinkets for the boys, and some jewelry for my wife.
I received a ticket to attend the Bahrain Formula 1 Grand Prix, which was an awesome event, it lasted 3 days. There were qualification runs the first two days, and some races by the smaller cars. Had some cars from the Formula Middle East, and Grand Prix 2 race a couple smaller runs. The last day was the actual race for the Formula 1, and it was followed up with a concert from Ne-yo. I would definitely recommend that if you are in Bahrain in April, this would be a must do.
My time flied this trip, and I am glad to be home. I will miss some of the friends that I have made while spending time over there, but I really started to miss the family.

My First Vegas Trip

Vegas for my birthday!
My twin sister decided my wife and I needed to meet her and her husband in Las Vegas for our birthday, and have a long weekend enjoying the place.
While I like to travel, and this being my first trip to Vegas, I can say that it is not on my top list of places to visit. There are several issues I have with Vegas, all are  just personal preferences about what I like to do, see and not be subjected to.
List of things I do not like about Vegas:
  1. Cigarette smoke (I cannot stand having to walk through the casino floor)
  2. Being around drunk people (generally they act really stupid and annoying)
  3. large crowds (especially when many of them are drunk and acting stupid)
  4. Someone trying to hand me something all the time (I really do not want to go to the strip club)
  5. People asking if I want to see a show about every 10 feet. (If I wanted to see a show I would purchase some tickets)
  6. I am not a gambler (I can waste my money on better things)
    (If I did gamble I could not stand being in a smoke filled room doing it)
I did enjoy some parts of Vegas, but there are many I cannot stand.
There are a lot of neat things to see in Vegas, some interesting shows to watch (most are way over priced), and the hotels have very elaborate themes.
List of things I did like about Vegas:
  1. The hotel decor (Cesar Palace, The Belagio, The Venetian, etc…)
  2. The wide selection of places to eat (ones that I have not been to before)
  3. Visiting Hoover Dam (which was probably the most exciting part of the whole trip)(I know it is not in Vegas)
  4. The shops/stores (mainly ones that we do not have locally)
The Hotel:
I was not impressed with the NY NY hotel, I think it is overpriced, and the accommodations are lacking. It is no better that staying in a Holiday Inn Express except it costs more.
You are charged a 20 per day resort fee, which makes the seemingly decent price for the room, not worth the stay. your $79 room turns into a $110 room after fees and taxes.
The food selection in the hotel was very lacking, and not really New York-ish, sure it had Nathans Hot dogs, a pizza place, an Irish Bar. It did not have a deli sandwich shop, coffee carts, and many other things you would really associate with New York.
Well enough complaining about Las Vegas, some people seem to really enjoy it, and I guess other can careless about the place. So if you like Vegas, go and have your fun, but I will be going somewhere else.

Living in Bahrain for 50 days

Well I have been living in Bahrain for about 50 days now, and I am ready to head back to the United States. It is a little different living over here, most of the people are  very nice, many cannot drive let alone stay in any lane on the road. Many drivers like to honk their  horns; which can get a little annoying at times, especially when the light is just about to turn green and just incase you had not noticed that it was turning green they wanted to let you know by honking their horn. I have learned that if you can drive on it people will, no matter if it is the road or not, shoulders are almost like an extra lane for many people, even the dirt along the road can become an extension of the road for many people. I have seen a 3 lane road turn into a 5 lane road, with people all over the place, and as close to each other as possible with out hitting one another.
The dust in the air is awful at times and  my eyes have been red the entire time I have been here, and my nose has been stopped up as well on several occasions. The weather has been fairly nice, compared to Knoxville Tennessee, which it has been snowing and raining there.
Have not had too many problems finding something to eat, there are dozens of American restaurants here. There is even a street referred to as American Alley (next to the Navy Base) and another called Shawarma Alley due to the multiple ( I believe 4) food stands located to each other on the small road.
  • McDonalds
  • Hardees
  • KFC
  • Pizza Hut
  • Papa Johns
  • Burger King
  • Subway
  • Polo Campero
  • PotBelly sandwiches
  • Fatburger
  • Fuddruckers
  • Chilis
  • Bennigans
  • Carrinos
  • Hard Rock Cafe
  • TGIFridays
  • Gloria Jeans
  • Starbucks
  • Aunt Annie
  • Baskin Robins
  • Cold Stone Creamery
There are probably places I am forgetting but these are the ones I have seen an can remember at the present time. I was actually surprised at the amount of American food places to eat at. Plus they all seem to have delivery which is usually guys on motorcycles and a box attached to the back of the bike.
Delivery Guy

Chili’s Delivery driver, would love to have this back home, getting chips and salsa delivered would be awsome.

There is a large Police and Military presence around town, and at times there are demonstrations.

Police and Military parked along the road all over the place.

DSC02801Small demonstration I ran into driving down the road one day. police where shooting tear gas, demonstrators throwing rocks.

All in all it has been a decent trip, seen many interesting places, and people, but it is time to head home. The prices are not any cheaper like many people have told me they would be, in some cases they are the same or a little higher. It does seem to be cheaper due to the prices but when 1 Dinar is equal to 2.5624 US Dollars, that 5 Dinar item is actually 13.26 USD. I can get a Big Mac combo meal (small drink and fries) for 1.500BHD which is $3.98 USD a little cheaper than the US prices I believe, but the drink and fry sizes are smaller portions which would make up the difference in price.
Purchasing local items can be fairly cheap, but anything that is shipped in from other countries, is generally not cheaper. Purchasing Kraft cheese compared to local cheese is about double the price in some cases.
Many of the local shops (not grocery stores, or food places) expect you to haggle with them over prices of some items, so they will give you a high price when you ask. You have to know the value of the item before hand to get a good price, which is not always easy to do. Places near the Navy base, or other Expat areas are generally going to try to get you to pay more than it is worth, because they know you will pay it.
Bahrain Snacks

Picked up some snack to bring back with me, samboosa, mahtai, and some Fisthakiya.

Food For Matt

Picked up a few items for my oldest son who is getting into cooking for his friends, and himself.  He can cook an Indian style meal for his friends to try.


Picked up a few smal rugs for family and friends as gifts, they were 3BHD a piece or about $8.00 USD, they are about 12’x12′ in size, and are all hand made locally .

Spent a lot of time traveling around to all of the shop areas, and looking at all of the different items that are for sale, many are fakes of original items, or cheap knock offs. Some items are cheap tourst items, that they try to sell for a premium. There are many shops located all over the city, and can be as small as a single room or as large as a full department store. You name it you can probably find it here, not sure if it will be an original version of what you are looking for but you can find at least a fake version of it.
I have picked up enough items to fill a full size suitcase, and had to purchase a small duffle bag to bring items back with me to the US. I am hoping I have not gone over my $800 limit of tax free items, or I will have to pay tax on anything over the amount. Will have to check my total count of money spent and make sure I am not over. Since I have a 7 hour layover in Amsterdam I am sure I will find some more items there that I want to pick up for the family.
Well getting ready to head home, for a few weeks of relaxation, and some normalcy, then back over here for another 35 days of fun.